Power Up With

Plant-Based Meals 

Learn How To Easily Incorporate More High-Protein Plant-Based Nutrition Into Your Lifestyle. 

ONLINE WORKSHOP: August 14th @ 5:30pm PT / 7:30pm CT

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Join Us for the Workshop!

Many of us were raised on meat and potatoes. Even if you know that your body would benefit from eating more plant-based meals, it can feel challenging to know where to start, understand how to get enough protein, and actually enjoy what you’re eating!

In this workshop, you'll learn all you need to know to confidently start incorporating more plant-based meals into your life that you'll love.

We’ll cover:

  • The Benefits of Plant-Based Nutrition: Discover how adding more plant-based foods can improve your health.
  • Plant-Based Proteins vs. Animal Proteins: Learn how to meet your protein needs without compromising.
  • Healthy Alternatives to Processed Meat Substitutes: Understand why most plant-based 'fake meats' you find in the store are not a healthy option and what to eat instead.
  • Confidence-Building Tips and Tools: Gain the knowledge and resources you need to confidently explore and enjoy more plant-based meals.
  • Recipes and Resources: A collection of delicious recipes and valuable resources to support your plant-based journey.

Join us to gain valuable insights, tips, and tools to make your transition to more plant-based eating enjoyable and sustainable.

Sarah Hodgen

"I initially reached out to Shelly because I was looking to lose weight and eat healthier. I had tried every workout and eating program that existed. I would always have short-term success but nothing would ever stick. I felt like I was trying the same thing over and over again just in a different program. I was stuck! Shelly’s approach to building healthy habits over time made more sense than counting calories, macros, and doing extreme workouts. Shelly has been my coach for 2 years now and she has given me a new perspective in every aspect of my life. The things I have learned from Shelly go way beyond eating healthy and losing weight. Every time we meet we uncover a new area for growth. Shelly’s humility leaves me feeling understood, never judged, and fully supported. I am a better version of myself because of Shelly’s coaching. Working with Shelly is one of the best investments I have made for myself!"

~ Sarah Hodgen



At the Core of a Healthy Diet: Lots of Plants

Navigating the abundance of confusing and conflicting information about what makes up a healthy diet can be disorienting. However, one thing most experts agree on is that incorporating a lot of plants into your diet is essential for optimal health.

In general, Americans consume a lot of meat and could benefit from eating more nutritious and fibrous plants. If you are used to centering your meals around meat for protein, it can be challenging to know where to start, what you’ll like, and how to create a balanced meal with enough protein.

This workshop is for you if...

  • You want to improve your health by incorporating more plants into your diet.
  • You’re accustomed to centering your meals around meat and want to integrate more plant-based meals that you’ll love and that are good for your health.
  • You’re looking to improve your eating habits and broaden your culinary horizons.

Join us to learn how to enhance your health by incorporating more plant-based foods into your diet. Gain the knowledge and tools you need to make delicious and nutritious plant-based meals a regular part of your routine.

A 2-Hour Live Workshop!

Connect with a group with similar goals as you, learn all you need to know to confidently start getting more delicious & nutritious plant-based meals in your life, and have time to ask questions and get suggestions for your own personal journey. 


You'll receive a thorough PDF from the workshop along with a collection of recipes and resources to get you started. There will also be an additional bonus offer of a discounted private session for extra personalized support for those who want it. 

Workshop Replay!

You'll be emailed the replay of the workshop after it's complete so that you can revisit it anytime it feels helpful for you! (or in the unfortunate chance that something comes up and you are unable to attend live.)

Join Us For Just $33 

The workshop will be held on Zoom. You'll receive an email with all the info once you sign up.

If you have any questions, drop me a line by clicking HERE.

✨Sign Me Up! ✨

Kristin T

"You are a mountain of self love and nurturing information and resources!! I just love it!!! You have provided me with so much helpful info and insight! Thank you!"

S. Jackson

"A big learning for me was the reminder that taking time to think about what really I want & need is imperative. Figuring out from there how to fit it all in and to take steps towards it…. As a cynic, it felt magical when most of the things I visualized came true through my work with Shelly."

Hey! I'm Shelly.

(The lady teaching this thang!)

Most would describe me as an outdoor enthusiast, a lover of music & dance, an adventurer, and a foodie. 

There's nothing I'm more passionate about than personal growth, self-care, and wellness. It’s been an evolving journey that I’ve dedicated myself to for more than 2 decades. 

I'm a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and certified Transformational Life Coach. 

I help women develop a sustainable healthy lifestyle so that they can feel as freaking fantastic as they deserve to feel in their lives.

I'm not a fan of cookie-cutter programs & workshops. We are diverse humans, not cookies. My approach is to share my wealth of knowledge & insight and support women to find what works for them to create a fulfilling, healthy, & vibrant life that's sustainable long term.